In this Social and Cultural Center Complex, which is designed for Municipality of Seyhan, Adana, BARIŞ ALTIOK ARCHITECTS aimed to provide an answer to the social space needs of Bey neighborhood. Designed on a 2900 m2 site, 1600 m2 building will be the landmark to the region.
With the surrounding landscape and square, which is located at the entry point to the site, the Project invites the public to the Complex. Some of the activities designed at the landscape area are children playground, exercise areas, running and walking path and resting areas.
Regional mukhtar’s Office, Community Food Bank, Internet Cafe, Canteen and with its separate the ball room are designed to be related to the landscape.
Community Educational Classes and Exhibition Halls are design to be at the second and third floor of the building.
The building’s modern look within its urban context is aiming to improve the neighborhood as well as bringing accessibility to the public space.
ClientSEYHAN MUNICIPALITYServicesArchitectural Design & Mechanical EngineeringLocationAdana/TurkeyArea1,600m2Year2015